Although not 100% certain it is said that the Men in suits and trainers originated from one of the top fashion kingdoms of the world Milan Italy
It is a very common sight travelling around Italy to see men in suits and trainers
The rules of tailoring are always in flux and right now the current is drifting towards the casual.
The simplest way of switching things up is to ditch the tiring old brogues and slip ons and get into those suits and trainers Its a look that's come somewhat common in recent years and feeling is that its here to stay
Tips : When is it ok to wear a pair of sneakers with a suit
Formal wear is and has always been about rules some you can break and some are a no no Its important to know which is which if you are going to a black tie or a business meeting and the dress code has been specified
Black Tie or White Tux and trainers are a no no
if you are attend a party or a gathering casual its a yes be creative and do what ever you like